At the time, mi reached Suntec in the afternoon, my lovely pi pi and her sister had each bought a pair of converse shoes. The red high cut converse shoe is definitely suits my pi pi favor, i was impressed. Afterwards, we went on towards the convention hall.
Despite the recession, the IT Fair 09, however, was as crowded as before. With its biggest showing yet, the fair occupied across five show floors. It's cover electronics gadgets from laptops, netbooks, desktops, TVs, printers, routers, camcorders, cameras, projectors, etc.
A large number of consumers were attracted to iT Show 09. Shown above pic.
Sony is one of the major companies participating in iT Show 09.
Hum... seem like kinda hi fi system, is it ?
We went around collecting TVs relevant brochures for comparison. Actually, my lovely pi pi had always wanting to get a TV, however, pricing and product conditions was her main concerns which discouraging my pi pi's decisions.
Although, we had done some research gathering from the salesman provided, however my lovely pi pi has been prudent with her spending, and resist the temptation to overspend.
During the iT Show, there would be special promotions conducted with each individual booths. Usually, they were offering incredibly cheap prices for limited sets of TVs.
The iT Show is certainly be successful, look at the constantly traffic flow..
Meanwhile, M1 is giving away new phone upon renewal contract under circumstances, so my pi pi sister intended to renew her current contract for the phone, and resell the phone.
Meanwhile, M1 is giving away new phone upon renewal contract under circumstances, so my pi pi sister intended to renew her current contract for the phone, and resell the phone.
Soon after my lovely pi pi sister in-law arrived, we happily and were discussing about the good bargains within the show while heading towards M1 booth. However, the gameplay from Resident Evil 5 has immediately caught my attentions, when passing by the PlayStation 3 booth. Ultimately, I was attracted by the amazing features from Resident Evil 5.
Wow, the game is fascinating, this is definitely much different experience to play apart with the previous Resident Evil 1,2,3. Simply fantastic !!! He he... mi manage to video while some dudes were playing.
Later on, my pi pi sister and her husband had stay behind while sadly, my lovely pi pi & mi eventually leaving the iT Show to continue with our work. Sob sob....
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